
August 27, 2010

Lnx2Mac's Realtek RTL81xx Driver about to go Beta

OSX Realtek 8111E/8168E support coming soon

Hi !

Due to the shortcomings of the current Realtek 81xx Hackintosh drivers (such as lack of or limited support of 8111E, 32/64-bit, sleep issues), I endeavored to port the Linux RTL81xx driver to OSX.

August 18, 2010

Multiple Partitions on OS X - Pros and Cons

Whether to have multiple partitions or not has been a topic of debate for ages... You might think it even predates the invention of storage.

Here, I'll give a rundown of the many reasons why you might want (or not) to have multiple partitions on your OS X hard disk drives.

August 12, 2010

Fixing the Orange HardDisk Icons

Upon upgrading to OS X 10.6.3, the P55 chipset was supported OutOfTheBox.
But there's a downside...
Apparently due to a Gigabyte BIOS bug, all SATA hard drives appear as External (Orange Icons).
While it's just a cosmetic issue, it affects the familiar feeling of the OS X desktop.

Several methods were developed to overcome this.
I'll briefly describe the options here, and present my own 'Vanilla' Solution.